

  • 1974 年開始養蜂
  • 母菊舒緩糖漿促進安靜的睡眠
  • 紐西蘭麥盧卡蜂蜜
  • 維生素 C,D 和鋅可支援機體抵抗
  • 膳食補充劑
  • 經認可無麩質
  • 無人工調味料或色素
  • 無害
嘿,大眼蜂!◎◎世界各地志趣相投的父母都用蜂蜜來舒緩孩子的喉嚨不適。Comvita 康維他夜間舒緩糖漿含 UMF™ 10+ 麥盧卡蜂蜜,母菊和維生素 C,D 和鋅的機體抵抗支援,是撫慰發癢喉嚨較美味的方法!◎◎1974 年,克勞德·斯特拉福特和我開始一起養蜂,熱衷於將人與自然和健康聯繫起來。◎◎40 多年後,我們繼續致力於手工藝,分享提取自我們偏遠和原始森林的大自然的特殊禮物之一。艾倫·布根(Alan Bougen),聯合創始人。◎◎UMF™ 是一個品質商標:UMF™ 分級系統對麥盧卡蜂蜜中發現的天然標誌物進行評估,並確保純度和品質。
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cmv/cmv00001/u/0.jpg">


  • 1974 年開始養蜂
  • 母菊舒緩糖漿促進安靜的睡眠
  • 紐西蘭麥盧卡蜂蜜
  • 維生素 C,D 和鋅可支援機體抵抗
  • 膳食補充劑
  • 經認可無麩質
  • 無人工調味料或色素
  • 無害

世界各地志趣相投的父母都用蜂蜜來舒緩孩子的喉嚨不適。Comvita 康維他夜間舒緩糖漿含 UMF™ 10+ 麥盧卡蜂蜜,母菊和維生素 C,D 和鋅的機體抵抗支援,是撫慰發癢喉嚨較美味的方法!

1974 年,克勞德·斯特拉福特和我開始一起養蜂,熱衷於將人與自然和健康聯繫起來。

40 多年後,我們繼續致力於手工藝,分享提取自我們偏遠和原始森林的大自然的特殊禮物之一。艾倫·布根(Alan Bougen),聯合創始人。

UMF™ 是一個品質商標:UMF™ 分級系統對麥盧卡蜂蜜中發現的天然標誌物進行評估,並確保純度和品質。


4 歲以上兒童:睡前服用 2 茶匙(10 毫升)。

1-3 歲兒童:睡前服用 1 茶匙(5 毫升)。

網路價:299元,結帳享5%折扣後 285


  • Beekeeping Since 1974
  • Soothing Syrup with Ivy Leaf Extract for a Tickly Throat
  • New Zealand Manuka Honey
  • Vitamin C, D & Zinc for Immune Support
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Certified Gluten-Free
  • No Artificial Flavors or Colors
  • Drug Free
Hey Honey Bears!◎◎Like-minded moms and dads around the world use honey to soothe kids' throats. Comvita Day-Time Soothing Syrup with UMF™ 10+ Manuka Honey, Ivy Leaf extract and the immune support of Vitamin C, D and Zinc is a delicious way to soothe a tickly throat!◎◎In 1974, Claude Stratford and I began beekeeping together with a passion for connecting people to nature and good health. ◎◎Over 40 years later our commitment to craft continues, sharing one of nature's special gifts from our remote and pristine forests. Alan Bougen, Co-founder◎◎UMF™ is a quality trademark: The UMF™ grading system appraises natural markers found in Manuka Honey, and assures purity & quality.
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cmv/cmv00000/u/0.jpg">


  • Beekeeping Since 1974
  • Soothing Syrup with Ivy Leaf Extract for a Tickly Throat
  • New Zealand Manuka Honey
  • Vitamin C, D & Zinc for Immune Support
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Certified Gluten-Free
  • No Artificial Flavors or Colors
  • Drug Free
Hey Honey Bears!

Like-minded moms and dads around the world use honey to soothe kids' throats. Comvita Day-Time Soothing Syrup with UMF™ 10+ Manuka Honey, Ivy Leaf extract and the immune support of Vitamin C, D and Zinc is a delicious way to soothe a tickly throat!

In 1974, Claude Stratford and I began beekeeping together with a passion for connecting people to nature and good health.

Over 40 years later our commitment to craft continues, sharing one of nature's special gifts from our remote and pristine forests. Alan Bougen, Co-founder

UMF™ is a quality trademark: The UMF™ grading system appraises natural markers found in Manuka Honey, and assures purity & quality.


Children 4+ Years: Take 2 teaspoons (10 ml) 1 to 2 times daily.

Children 2-3 Years: Take 1 teaspoon (5 ml) 1 to 2 times daily.

Best taken with food. Shake well before use.
網路價:383元,結帳享5%折扣後 364


  • 人體必需營養素
  • 不含麩質
  • 無酪蛋白
  • 不含酒精

ChildLife 只使用極優質的原料。


適用於 3-12 歲兒童:

1片,每日 2 次。


網路價:151元,結帳享5%折扣後 144